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Compass Homes Ltd


When you need a new direction or a fresh start in life Compass Homes are there to help you reach your potential

Teenagers in Nature
Home: Welcome

Who are Compass Homes

How we support

Our mission is to support young people to recover from trauma, live fulfilled lifestyles and engage in lifelong learning to transition on to positive destinations, to support and give direction to young people to help them develop their independence skills and by taking a centered approach around support we are able to enable our young people to make choices which will affect them and keep them heading in the right direction, by creating SMART objectives for young people to support them to achieve their goals.


We trust our staff to help support and nurture our young people to have the best outcomes.

Compass Homes believes in a holistic approach: that the smallest details can mean a world of difference to a vulnerable young person, and that by being supported and shown the right direction, young people can fulfil their potential and become more resilience to life obstacles.    


We offer high quality modern accommodation across the east midlands.


We provide holistic support plans in either shared or solo accommodation. This is underpinned by a person centred care and support with safeguarding being paramount to enabling our young people to develop independent life skills.



Image by Heidi Fin
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Our Mission-Support Services

Variety of Options

We aim to ensure that all our young people have a moral compass that guides them through life and achieve their potential


At Compass Homes we hope that our Young People are positive and have aspirations about their future. Additionally they feel supported and feel that they have someone to talk and listen to.


Compass Homes have experienced staff who are able to manage and support the most challenging and complex individuals and situations, we will always try to find positive outcomes and new directions and goals to strive for.

Direction and Development

Applying for housing benefits

Budgeting and applying for bank accounts
Cooking and general household duties
Organisation, routines and boundaries
Registering with local health services. Life skills and an overall direction.

We also help and support around;

Mental health
Substance misuse
Emotional and behavioural difficulties
Independence skills 
Education, employment and training
Community integration
Yot appointments
Court/Bail back/Tagging and Monitoring needs
Floating support

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Nottingham, UK

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